Genre | Musikstilar |
Format | Bok |
EAN | 9780754629511 |
Publisher | Ashgate Publishing Limited |
Bindning | Inbunden |
Språk | Engelska |
ISBN | 9780754629511 |
Läromedel | 0 |
Storlek | 568 |
Serie | The Library of Essays on Popular Music |
The featured articles in this volume provide an overview of jazz studies writings from the 1990s to the present day, and each text engages with issues that are central to the changing discourse of jazz in popular culture. The volume includes studies of specific scenes, artists and periods from jazz history, and also comments on broader aspects of musical discourse, from ontological considerations to the politics of canon formation, from issues of representation to international perspectives. The collection encourages readers to engage in comparative thinking and analysis, and contributions touch on a range of themes that will be of interest to scholars who situate jazz at the heart of popular music studies. It is a highly valuable resource for researchers, enthusiasts, teachers and students.