Historieböcker på engelska
27 040 produkter
237 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
264 kr
onsdag, 12 febThe Black Death
295 kr
fredag, 14 febTillingbourne Valley
206 kr
fredag, 14 feb- CSBOOKS
Katyn 1940 | Thomas Urban | Språk: Danska
524 kr
fredag, 7 feb - Schiffer Publishing Ltd
Stalingrad (inbunden, eng)
539 kr
måndag, 10 feb Literature and Law in the Era of Magna Carta
563 kr
onsdag, 12 feb- Amberley Publishing
A Flight of Figureheads (häftad, eng)
269 kr
måndag, 10 feb - Amberley Publishing
King Cnut and the Viking Conquest of England 1016 (häftad, eng)
209 kr
måndag, 10 feb The Twelve Caesars
169 kr
tisdag, 18 febWales Since 1939
321 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
346 kr
fredag, 14 febA century of courts
806 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
1 017 kr
onsdag, 12 febA Catalogue of the Library of the Late John, Duke of Roxburghe
473 kr
tisdag, 18 febMining in Cornwall Vol 2
189 kr
fredag, 14 feb- The History Press Ltd
Winchester (häftad, eng)
339 kr
måndag, 10 feb Nile River Gunboats 1882–1918
240 kr
onsdag, 12 febA Scottish Blockade Runner in the American Civil War - Joannes Wyllie of the steamer Ad-Vance
325 kr
onsdag, 12 febUnwinnable
190 kr
fredag, 14 febBeyond the Beachhead
307 kr
fredag, 14 feb- Key Publishing Ltd
British Multiple Units (häftad, eng)
269 kr
måndag, 10 feb - Austin Macauley Publishers LLC
The Allies (häftad, eng)
259 kr
måndag, 10 feb Domestic Manners of the Americans
190 kr
onsdag, 12 feb- Taylor & francis ltd
The Irish Revolution, 1916-1923 (häftad, eng)
649 kr
måndag, 10 feb - Stenlake Publishing
The Manchester and Milford Railway (häftad, eng)
299 kr
måndag, 10 feb Theresienstadt 1941–1945
432 kr
onsdag, 5 mar- Orion Publishing Co
Bomber Boys (häftad, eng)
229 kr
måndag, 10 feb Eat Thy Neighbour
189 kr
fredag, 14 feb- Yale university press
The Dark Path (inbunden, eng)
539 kr
måndag, 10 feb The Papers of George Washington v.8; Revolutionary War Series;January-March 1777
1 520 kr
onsdag, 12 febVolunteers and Pressed Men
310 kr
fredag, 14 febThe Chiltern Railways Story
233 kr
fredag, 14 febWomen’s Labour and the History of the Book in Early Modern England
447 kr
fredag, 14 feb- Berghahn Books
Explorations and Entanglements (häftad, eng)
469 kr
måndag, 10 feb - Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Soviet Armoured Cars 1936–45 (häftad, eng)
219 kr
måndag, 10 feb Germans to America (Series II), July 1843-December 1845
2 204 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
2 238 kr
tisdag, 18 febHistory of the World Cup
206 kr
fredag, 14 feb- Park Street Press
Women Of The Golden Dawn 9780892816071
299 kr
måndag, 10 feb Secret Black Country
253 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
319 kr
onsdag, 12 feb- Mediatronixs
None : CD-ROM: Jewel Case (Std): Chronicle 20 Pre-Owned
358 kr
fredag, 21 feb Drunk On Power
410 kr
onsdag, 12 febAround Abingdon - The Second Selection
189 kr
fredag, 14 febHitler's Italian Allies
789 kr
onsdag, 26 feb- Austin Macauley Publishers
Great Haywood, Past and Present, People and Places (inbunden, eng)
589 kr
måndag, 10 feb Salt and Saltaire: Images of England
206 kr
tisdag, 18 febReviving the Islamic Caliphate in Early Modern Morocco
2 183 kr
fredag, 14 febRoda Korset, Enlight Konventionerna
391 kr
fredag, 14 febPeloponnesian War
374 kr
onsdag, 12 febCradley Heath, Old Hill and District: A Second Selection
189 kr
onsdag, 12 febRethinking Roman Alliance
918 kr
onsdag, 5 mar