Böcker om programmering
3 592 produkter
Discovering Modern C++
434 kr
måndag, 27 jan- Manning Publications
GitOps and Kubernetes (häftad, eng)
622 kr
fredag, 17 jan Customizing the Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime
326 kr
tisdag, 4 febA Beginners Guide to Python 3 Programming
809 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
822 kr
tisdag, 21 janSwift 5
655 kr
tisdag, 21 janIntroduction to Choreographies
729 kr
måndag, 27 janLearn to Code Practice Book 2 Third Edition
242 kr
torsdag, 23 janApprenticeship Patterns
354 kr
tisdag, 21 janHandbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics
3 227 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
3 287 kr
torsdag, 23 janApache Cordova 4 Programming
423 kr
tisdag, 21 janUnderstanding Augmented Reality
696 kr
måndag, 27 janCompetitive Programming in Python
498 kr
måndag, 27 janThe Art of Unit Testing
412 kr
måndag, 27 janSwift for Beginners
311 kr
måndag, 20 jan- Manning Publications
Joy of JavaScript, The (häftad, eng)
469 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
479 kr
fredag, 17 jan Coding in Video Games
240 kr
tisdag, 21 janEssentials of Interactive Computer Graphics
1 412 kr
torsdag, 23 janMission JavaScript
156 kr
torsdag, 23 jan- Taylor & francis ltd
A Gamer's Introduction to Programming in C# (häftad, eng)
739 kr
fredag, 17 jan - No Starch Press,US
Dive Into Algorithms (häftad, eng)
529 kr
fredag, 17 jan Lisp in Small Pieces
1 125 kr
tisdag, 11 febProgram Management for Open Source Projects
417 kr
tisdag, 21 janMatlab
368 kr
fredag, 17 jan- Hachette Children's Group
Project Code: Create An Animation with Scratch (häftad, eng)
219 kr
fredag, 17 jan Operating .NET Framework-based Applications
248 kr
tisdag, 4 febJava How to Program, Late Objects, Global Edition
1 104 kr
tisdag, 21 jan- Politikens Forlag
Maskiner som tänker | Inga Strümke | Språk: Danska
548 kr
torsdag, 16 jan - O'Reilly Media
Introducing Go (häftad, eng)
279 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
369 kr
fredag, 17 jan Dashboard Design
1 578 kr
tisdag, 21 jan- O'Reilly Media
Mastering Corda (häftad, eng)
709 kr
fredag, 17 jan Fast Python for Data Science
513 kr
måndag, 27 janIntroduktion till HTML och CSS
518 kr
fredag, 17 janGame Programming GEMS 3
2 012 kr
tisdag, 4 febCSS in Depth
412 kr
måndag, 27 janLearning Swift
555 kr
tisdag, 21 janType-driven Development with Idris
453 kr
måndag, 27 jan- No Starch Press,US
Python One-liners (häftad, eng)
459 kr
fredag, 17 jan Cython
354 kr
tisdag, 21 janJava 5.0 Program Design
1 477 kr
torsdag, 23 janComputing in Scilab
867 kr
tisdag, 4 feb- John Wiley & Sons Inc
Programming Interviews Exposed (häftad, eng)
329 kr
fredag, 17 jan Matters Technik B1/B2 - Englisch für IT-Berufe
387 kr
tisdag, 21 jan- APress
Infrastructure-as-Code Automation Using Terraform, Packer, Vault, Nomad and Consul (häftad, eng)
739 kr
fredag, 17 jan OCR AS/A-level Computer Science Workbook 2: Algorithms and Programming
184 kr
torsdag, 23 jan- Pearson Education (US)
React Programming (häftad, eng)
609 kr
fredag, 17 jan Functional Programming in C#
453 kr
måndag, 27 janEmbedded Systems and Software Validation
924 kr
måndag, 27 janLearning Scientific Programming with Python
565 kr
tisdag, 4 feb