Böcker om programmering
3 475 produkter
Agile Testing
682 kr
onsdag, 12 feb- No Starch Press,US
The Secret Life Of Programs (häftad, eng)
509 kr
måndag, 10 feb Software and Patents in Europe
1 447 kr
onsdag, 26 febMining Software Specifications
2 775 kr
fredag, 14 feb- SDC Publications
Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2023 (häftad, eng)
1 079 kr
måndag, 10 feb - Cambridge University Press
Introduction to Parallel Programming (häftad, eng)
829 kr
måndag, 10 feb - Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The Python Workbook (inbunden, eng)
789 kr
måndag, 10 feb Java: The Complete Reference, Thirteenth Edition
735 kr
fredag, 14 febMachine Learning für Zeitreihen
628 kr
fredag, 14 feb- Princeton University Press
The Essence of Software (inbunden, eng)
399 kr
måndag, 10 feb Lær at kode 1, Elevbog/Web
283 kr
onsdag, 12 febMac Programming For Dummies, 3E
347 kr
onsdag, 12 febGenerative Art
311 kr
fredag, 7 febSnygg grundläggande C++ med CodeBlocks
269 kr
onsdag, 12 feb- No Starch Press,US
Hardcore Programming For Mechanical Engineers (häftad, eng)
649 kr
måndag, 10 feb The Reasoned Schemer
531 kr
måndag, 10 febEffective Java
414 kr
tisdag, 18 feb- APress
Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2.0 (häftad, eng)
819 kr
måndag, 10 feb Programming with Mathematica®
1 282 kr
tisdag, 18 febAlgorithmen und Datenstrukturen
578 kr
onsdag, 12 feb- O'Reilly Media
iOS 15 Programming Fundamentals with Swift (häftad, eng)
589 kr
måndag, 10 feb - Pearson Education Limited
Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1, Fascicle 1, The (häftad, eng)
389 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
399 kr
måndag, 10 feb Driving Technical Change
385 kr
onsdag, 12 feb- Manning Publications
Haskell in Depth (häftad, eng)
719 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
739 kr
måndag, 10 feb Hacking the Curriculum: How Digital Skills Can Save Us from the Robots
279 kr
fredag, 14 febHeterogeneous System Architecture
622 kr
tisdag, 18 febUppdrag programmering
678 kr
måndag, 10 febAndroid-Apps programmieren lernen fur Dummies
337 kr
tisdag, 18 feb- Legend Press Ltd
Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch Pupil Book Year 4 (häftad, eng)
249 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
309 kr
måndag, 10 feb - HarperCollins Publishers
International Primary Computing Workbook: Stage 4 (häftad, eng)
269 kr
måndag, 10 feb Developing Safety-Critical Software
1 282 kr
onsdag, 12 feb- Springer Verlag, Singapore
Artificial Intelligence with Python (häftad, eng)
679 kr
måndag, 10 feb Go in Action
412 kr
onsdag, 26 febJavaScript-Programmierung von Kopf bis Fuß
578 kr
onsdag, 12 febPython Programming with Design Patterns
432 kr
fredag, 7 feb- Franklin, Beedle & Associates
Python Programming (häftad, eng)
889 kr
måndag, 10 feb - BPB Publications
Machine Learning for Beginners - 2nd Edition (häftad, eng)
509 kr
måndag, 10 feb - Taylor & francis ltd
Anyone Can Code (häftad, eng)
569 kr
måndag, 10 feb Multi-Agent Oriented Programming
659 kr
onsdag, 12 feb- Pragmatic Bookshelf
Beyond Legacy Code (häftad, eng)
389 kr
måndag, 10 feb Computers
132 kr
tisdag, 18 feb- APress
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Software Engineering (häftad, eng)
759 kr
måndag, 10 feb - CSBOOKS
NO-CODE | Jacob Bøtter | Språk: Danska
847 kr
fredag, 7 feb Python Challenge
463 kr
onsdag, 12 feb- CSBOOKS
Digitale metoder | Andreas Birkbak;Anders Kristian Munk | Språk: Danska
532 kr
fredag, 7 feb The Definitive Guide to ARM® Cortex®-M3 and Cortex®-M4 Processors
770 kr
tisdag, 18 feb- APress
Docs-as-Ecosystem (häftad, eng)
529 kr
måndag, 10 feb IT-Berufe: Entwickeln und Bereitstellen von Anwendungssystemen: Arbeitsheft
284 kr
onsdag, 12 feb