Statistik & matematikböcker
7 731 produkter
Handbook of Approximate Bayesian Computation
2 417 kr
måndag, 20 janAn Introduction to the Theory of Graph Spectra
606 kr
torsdag, 6 feb- Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
The Book of Numbers (inbunden, eng)
659 kr
tisdag, 14 jan Computational Oriented Matroids
1 018 kr
torsdag, 6 febStark in Mathematik 3 Teil 1: Arbeitsheft
178 kr
torsdag, 16 janSecond Course in Statistics, A: Regression Analysis
1 189 kr
torsdag, 16 janThe Maths That Made Us
171 kr
torsdag, 16 janReversibility and Stochastic Networks
565 kr
torsdag, 6 febTrends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics
2 201 kr
måndag, 20 janTwo Trains Leave Paris
171 kr
måndag, 20 janCalculus I with Precalculus
1 650 kr
torsdag, 30 jan- McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
Schaum's Outline of College Mathematics, Fourth Edition (häftad, eng)
449 kr
tisdag, 14 jan Statistical Evidence
2 273 kr
måndag, 20 janRandom Matrices
1 607 kr
onsdag, 22 janPDE Toolbox Primer for Engineering Applications with MATLAB® Basics
1 848 kr
torsdag, 16 janCombinatorics and Probability
2 120 kr
torsdag, 30 janMatikkaa, ole hyvä!
328 kr
onsdag, 15 janMatematikk 9 fra Cappelen Damm
812 kr
torsdag, 16 janMathematik mit Detektiv Pfiffig Klasse 1
371 kr
torsdag, 16 janSurvey Sampling
2 183 kr
måndag, 20 janPartial Differential Equations and Fluid Mechanics
946 kr
torsdag, 6 febEnumerative Combinatorics: Volume 1
1 686 kr
torsdag, 30 janMathematik heute 8. Arbeitsheft. Hauptschulbildungsgang. Sachsen
184 kr
torsdag, 16 janIntroduction to the Theory of Complex Systems
1 089 kr
488 kr
måndag, 20 janStatistical Survey Design and Evaluating Impact
782 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
838 kr
måndag, 20 janQuereinstieg leicht gemacht: Mathematik
347 kr
torsdag, 16 janProbability: A Lively Introduction
457 kr
onsdag, 22 janElemente der Mathematik SII. Lösungen. Qualifikationsphase 1. Hessen
297 kr
torsdag, 16 janTAL OG ALGEBRA med historisk tilgang
232 kr
måndag, 20 janMatemagisk 4A
380 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
383 kr
tisdag, 14 jan- Taylor & francis inc
The Mathematics of Ciphers (inbunden, eng)
3 449 kr
tisdag, 14 jan Book of Abstract Algebra
392 kr
torsdag, 16 janHeinemann Active Maths - Second Level - Exploring Number - Practice Photocopiable Masters
1 414 kr
onsdag, 22 janThe Collected Papers of William Burnside
4 987 kr
Tidigare lägsta pris:
5 160 kr
torsdag, 16 janMålet i sikte åk 4-6 : kartläggning i matematik
1 155 kr
tisdag, 14 janCollege Algebra and Calculus
1 480 kr
torsdag, 30 jan- Princeton University Press
Optimization Algorithms on Matrix Manifolds (inbunden, eng)
989 kr
tisdag, 14 jan DIE BUNTE REIHE - Mathematik ab Klasse 4. Größen
132 kr
torsdag, 16 janGroups Acting on Graphs
1 631 kr
måndag, 20 janPartial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics
366 kr
torsdag, 16 janNumerical Modeling of Coupled Phenomena in Science and Engineering
3 287 kr
måndag, 20 janA Course of Modern Analysis
921 kr
torsdag, 30 janEngineering Computation: An Introduction Using MATLAB and Excel
821 kr
måndag, 20 janProbability with Martingales
594 kr
måndag, 13 janAsymptotic Efficiency of Nonparametric Tests
1 447 kr
torsdag, 6 febMAT B2 htx
884 kr
måndag, 20 janFirst Course In Integral Equations, A: Solutions Manual
484 kr
måndag, 20 jan