Nate Wright has it pretty rough. His neighbor's loyal but loony dog Spitsy befriends a cat, Nate's baseball team has just been named the \"Cream Puffs,\" and he has to stay out of detention for a whole week unless he wants to lose a bet to know-it-all Gina and be her personal slave for an entire day! What's a sixth grader to do?? Not Coach John's wind sprints. Thunka, thunka, thunka, that's what! Nate puts a plastic bottle to his head and thunks his way past bullies, his arch nemesis/social studies teacher Mrs. Godfrey, and Kim Cressly-a girl with a big crush and an even bigger grip. Nate and best pals Francis and Teddy blow off some steam in this latest Big Nate collection Thunka, Thunka, Thunka.","url":"","image":"","sku":"P24268328","gtin":"9781449462277","brand":{"@type":"Brand","name":""},"offers":{"@type":"Offer","url":"","priceCurrency":"SEK","price":159,"priceValidUntil":"2025-04-12T23:59:59.999+00:00","itemCondition":"","availability":"","seller":{"@type":"Organization","name":"CDON"},"shippingDetails":{"@id":"#shipping_policy","@type":"OfferShippingDetails","deliveryTime":{"@type":"ShippingDeliveryTime","handlingTime":{"@type":"QuantitativeValue","minValue":0,"maxValue":1,"unitCode":"DAY"},"transitTime":{"@type":"QuantitativeValue","minValue":4,"maxValue":8,"unitCode":"DAY"}}}}}