Produkter från Multilingual matters
131 produkter
- Multilingual Matters
Autonomy Support Beyond the Language Learning Classroom (häftad, eng)
549 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Bilingual Families (häftad, eng)
249 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Language Teacher Identity and Wellbeing (häftad, eng)
549 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
The Professional Lives of Language Study Abroad Alumni (inbunden, eng)
1 302 kr
onsdag, 5 feb - Multilingual Matters
Multilingualism and Gendered Immigrant Identity (häftad, eng)
409 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Adult Minority Language Learning (häftad, eng)
549 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (häftad, eng)
539 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Patient-centred Communication (inbunden, eng)
1 423 kr
onsdag, 5 feb - Multilingual Matters
Multimodal Literacies in Young Emergent Bilinguals (häftad, eng)
599 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Agency in the Peripheries of Language Revitalisation (häftad, eng)
409 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Promoting Reflection on Language Learning (häftad, eng)
609 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Student Engagement in the Language Classroom (häftad, eng)
531 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Critical Conversation Analysis (häftad, eng)
549 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Psycholinguistic Approaches to Instructed Second Language Acquisition (inbunden, eng)
1 423 kr
onsdag, 5 feb - Multilingual Matters
Meeting the Needs of Reunited Refugee Families (häftad, eng)
469 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Chronotopic Identity Work (häftad, eng)
479 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Reconceptualizing English for International Business Contexts (inbunden, eng)
1 325 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development (häftad, eng)
599 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Advancing Language Research through Q Methodology (inbunden, eng)
1 543 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Innovation in University-Based Intensive English Programs (häftad, eng)
539 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
The Politics of Researching Multilingually (häftad, eng)
609 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
(M)othering Labeled Children (häftad, eng)
479 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Antisocial Language Teaching (häftad, eng)
419 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Researching and Teaching Speech Acts with Young L2 Learners (häftad, eng)
609 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Political Activism in the Linguistic Landscape (inbunden, eng)
609 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
From Southern Theory to Decolonizing Sociolinguistics (inbunden, eng)
1 571 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Foundational Concepts of Decolonial and Southern Epistemologies (häftad, eng)
479 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
The Action-oriented Approach (häftad, eng)
599 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence (häftad, eng)
429 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
International Students' Multilingual Literacy Practices (häftad, eng)
469 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
A Panorama of Linguistic Landscape Studies (häftad, eng)
609 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Redoing Linguistic Worlds (häftad, eng)
549 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Critical Conversation Analysis (inbunden, eng)
1 448 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Early Language Learning in Context (inbunden, eng)
1 325 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Second Language Use Online and its Integration in Formal Language Learning (inbunden, eng)
1 199 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Second Language Literacy Pedagogy (häftad, eng)
409 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Speaking Subjects in Multilingualism Research (häftad, eng)
609 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Overcoming the Gentrification of Dual Language, Bilingual and Immersion Education (häftad, eng)
539 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
A Linguistic Approach to the Study of Dyslexia (inbunden, eng)
1 571 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Contemporary Language Motivation Theory (häftad, eng)
609 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Teacher Reflection (häftad, eng)
609 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Lessons from Exceptional Language Learners Who Have Achieved Nativelike Proficiency (häftad, eng)
479 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Rethinking the Education of Multilingual Learners (häftad, eng)
499 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Intercultural Learning in Language Education and Beyond (inbunden, eng)
1 423 kr
onsdag, 5 feb - Multilingual Matters
Negotiating Identities, Language and Migration in Global London (häftad, eng)
599 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Lessons from Exceptional Language Learners Who Have Achieved Nativelike Proficiency (inbunden, eng)
1 325 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Translanguaging and English as a Lingua Franca in the Plurilingual Classroom (häftad, eng)
469 kr
torsdag, 6 feb - Multilingual Matters
Teaching and Learning Third Languages (inbunden, eng)
1 325 kr
torsdag, 6 feb